Here's a story for my peri/menopausal peeps
When I started SheShoots, I was at the beginning of my perimenopause, and Helen wasn't too far behind me. It's actually been a bumpy ride for the both of us figuring out this new landscape and facing aging - all while trying to do our best.
As my mum says "aging ain't for pussies" haha
Anyway, through these last several years, I have had more photos taken of me than ever before and watching my changing body has quite frankly been confronting. But the more I see myself, the more I just make peace with it.
And even though this visual journey kind of happened by accident, I am really glad I kept being in photos.
I think If I had skipped those years, it would have been really hard to jump in now... But I still would...
And I encourage you to do it too.
There is a point you get to where you just think MEH! It is what it is! and you may will start to see the beauty in yourself again
I know we see that in ALL of our clients.
Nyk xx (the brunette, Helen is the silver fox)