Mentally preparing for a personal branding photo shoot.
How to prep mentally for a personal branding shoot - body image, self talk, and more.
If this is your first photoshoot, or you’ve had one before that didn't go so well. It can feel really daunting. We really do get that.
On your first shoot you may
Not know where to put your hands
Feel awkward for the first few shots
Have nervous giggles and feeling like a fish out of water
Have anxiety (we empathize!)
Does everyone experience the above…? mostly yes… and it's NORMAL.
Here’s a wee secret too - We also get a little nervous. Not because we doubt our photographic abilities, But because Helen & I are both very empathetic and we really need you to be comfortable.
So we do that for you. We chat, we laugh, we take the time we need….
So, how do you mentally prepare…?
You simply lean in! We got you!
However, there’s no harm in a little mental agility leading up to your shoot….
Here are a few tips/ exercises that might calm your nerves.
1. You are not a model and we don’t expect you to be like one. Besides, some modelling poses are actually super strange! We want you to be YOU, and we’ll work out what posing suits you as we get into the shoot.
2. People watch! Yip, have a look around! We are all so wonderfully human. No one is perfect… Your clients will be attracted to you for being just that - wonderfully human. Stop looking at those insta-perfect people… it’s not real! (maybe some are, but I’ve never met one!)
- Go away Photoshop air-brushing and body-manipulations. (Although we’re open to annihilating a zit if one pops up that day!)
3. Be comfortable! Wear clothing that FITS, and clothing that is easy for you to move around in. Trying to squeeze into “that” pair of jeans you’ve been keeping for ages will just make you feel a little ikky. You’ll look great in clothes that fit and feel goo. The comfort and confidence will translate into better shots.
Follow some rad stylists here in Auckland like: (Insta)
Pro tip: follow people they follow for top-tier body positive content.
Monique Doy @moniquedoy
Emma John @sisterhoodofstylenz
Caitlin Taylor. @chasingcait_stylecoach
4. Watch the movie “Embrace”, it's on Netflix and it's wonderful. We're all so beautiful! You’ll feel warm fuzzies wash over as you relax realising we’re all so different and not runway models!
5. PLEASE Remember that Helen & I are both photographers with empathy.
We’re not your “too-cool-for-school, fancy-high-end studio, espresso-shot-drinking, man-bun-wearing creative-toffy-nosed-poncy-pants “
Haha… to be honest, I’ve never met a photographer like that…. But we’re not one anyway! Last but not least…
Lean in, breathe, and enjoy the process……..
Nykie & Helen xx